Statewide Ethics Training Initiative

Statewide Ethics Training Application | Phase 1 Launch

The Statewide Ethics Training Application is now available for Ethics Officers, Agency Trainers and their designees to streamline their monthly reporting information. 


  • Phase 1 of the Statewide Ethics Training Application (‘SETA’) launched on February 6, 2024.
  • Agencies must report their January 2024 monthly aggregate training statistics in the Statewide Ethics Training Application.
  • All Agency Users (Ethics Officers, Training Compliance Officers and Agency Contacts) must have a ID to access the online Statewide Ethics Training Application.
  • COELIG, in partnership with our ITS development team, has already provided access to the Training Application to hundreds of Agency Users.
  • Agency Users will begin receiving system-generated email notifications, including reminders and overdue notices to submit monthly training statistics. 



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Legislative Mandate

Ethics Training is for Everyone...

The Ethics Commission Reform Act of 2022 (ECRA) requires that all state officers and employees, approximately 330,000 individuals, receive live or online ethics training every year.  The Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government is responsible for developing and administering this important training mandate. 

Executive Law § 94 (8) details the requirements of the ethics training mandate:

  • new hires are required to complete live training within 90 days of employment;
  • live training is required every other year; and
  • Ethics refresher training is required on the intervening years that live training is due.  


Please refer to the employee training schedule for more information.

Employee Training Schedule 2023-2025



On Demand CETC
Ethics Refresher
New Employees Complete the on-demand CETC or live CETC within 90 days*Attend a live CETC on or before December 31, 2024Complete Refresher Training on or before December 31, 2025**
Existing FDS Filers who have completed a live CETC or live Ethics Seminar in 2022 or 2023The on-demand CETC satisfies the Ethics Refresher Requirement for FDS Filers and non-FDS state employees that have already attended a LIVE CETC course.  

If live CETC taken in 2022 – Ethics Refresher required on or before December 31, 2023**

If live CETC taken in 2023 – Ethics Refresher required on or before December 31, 2024**

Existing FDS and Non-FDS Employees who have not received any ethics trainingComplete the on-demand CETC or live CETC within 90 days or before December 31, 2023Attend a live CETC on or before December 31, 2024Complete Refresher Training on or before December 31, 2025**

Live Instructor-led Training Opportunities at COELIG

2024 CETC Schedule for State Employees

COELIG will present live Comprehensive Ethics Training Course sessions ('CETC') via Webex until further notice. You must have a computer or iPad connected to the internet, and a working telephone connection, to participate in this format. Continuing Legal Education Credits (“CLE”) are not available at this time.

Please visit our Comprehensive Ethics Training Course ('CETC') page to view our schedule of current live CETC training offerings and enroll today!


enroll today



Online On-Demand Ethics Training Opportunity

COELIG has provided an online on-demand ethics training course for state employees with access to the Statewide Learning Management System ('SLMS').

This course satisfies the Ethics Refresher requirement for employees who have already completed live instructor-led training.  Additionally, this online course serves as an interim training solution for those new hires and seasoned employees who are unable to immediately attend live training.  

Agency SLMS Primary or Secondary administrators – are able to enroll their employees in the training.

The on-demand ethics training course is available on the statewide learning management system (‘SLMS’).  For agencies unable to utilize SLMS and can host SCORM or HTML training courses within their own learning management systems, please email us at [email protected] for more information.


SLMS Course Information:

  • Course long name:  COELIG On Demand EthicsTraining (CETC) 2023
  • Course short name: COELIG OD
  • Course Code: COELIG-OndemandCETC-2023



Image of the home page of the on-demand ethics training


On Demand CETC - Accessible PDF


    On Demand CETC Accessible PDF

    An interim solution for those who require a more accessible version of the On-Demand CETC available on the Statewide Learning Management System ('SLMS').  This version contains the graphics and audio narration available as comments, in addition to the question and answer feedback responses within the 'Ethics Check' sections. Please download for best results. 



Guidance on the Statewide Ethics Training Initiative for Ethics Officers and Agency Trainers

CETC Train-the Trainer Materials

Agency Ethics Officers and trainers may request access to the COELIG Ethics Training SharePoint site to download our updated training materials.  Due to the file sizes of the materials, we are no longer able to post these materials on our website.

Image: homepage of the CETC sharepoint site


Request sharepoint access

Contact The COELIG Training Team

Contact the COELIG Education Team for information regarding the mandatory ethics training requirements for State employees, and Lobbyists and Clients. 

Contact us by phone:

Direct Line 518-474-1382

Contact us by email:

Mailing Address:

New York State 

Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government

540 Broadway

Albany, New York 12207