Registration Terminations
Enhancements to the Lobbying Application ('LA')
Lobbyists and Public Corporations that want to terminate earlier than the end date specified in the lobbying agreement are now able to terminate the entire lobbying relationship within LA.
Additionally, the Lobbying Application will automatically terminate (1) Registrations with lobbying agreements that reach the end date specified in the agreement, and (2) all Registrations that reach December 31st of the second year of a biennial period – with no action required by the Lobbyist or Client.
*NOTE: This feature applies to all filers, including PDF ‘paper filers’.
Overview of the Termination Functions in LA
Refer to the step-by-step instructions ‘‘How to submit a Registration Termination in the Online Lobbying Application (‘LA’)’ for information on the following functions.
Auto-Terms | Registrations that automatically terminate in LA
No action is required. Lobbyists and Public Corporations will receive system-generated email notifications when a Registration has auto-terminated. The auto-term functionality applies to both online and PDF ‘paper filers’.
Early Terms | Registration Terminations that occur prior to the original end date of the lobbying relationship.
If a Lobbyist/Public Corporation wants to terminate early and files online, please log into the Application to submit your termination within 30 days of the lobbying relationship ending.
Re-engagement | Reactivating a Registration that has been previously terminated
- Online filers are no longer required to submit requests to withdraw a termination for a Registration that has been previously terminated. Online filers are able to easily amend a terminated Registration and upload a new lobbying agreement to resume lobbying activity.
Coming Soon - Client Terminations
Client Terminations have not yet been implemented in LA. Clients who end the lobbying relationship earlier than the original end date are required to notify the Commission within 30 days of the lobbying relationship ending using the process outlined below.
Procedure for Client Terminations and Paper Filers
Notification of an early termination must be submitted by an authorized person and provide the required information. Refer to the sample termination letters for more information.
An authorized person can be any of the following individuals:
- CAO (or designee)
- Delegated Administrator
- Preparer
Notifications should preferably be submitted via email to [email protected] or may be submitted by regular mail to:
NYS Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government
Attn: Registration Unit – Client Terminations
540 Broadway
Albany, NY 12207
Termination Instructions and Sample Letters
Please note: sample letters are to be used by PDF 'paper filers' only.
How to submit a Termination in LA
Technical 'click-here' instructions on how to submit a Registration Termination in the online Lobbying Application and how to re-engage an agreement that has already been terminated.
Sample Letter - Termination of Individual Lobbyist from Profile
Sample letter to assist Filers in terminating an Individual Lobbyist from an Organization Profile related to 2019 and later year filings.
For Paper PDF Filers only. Filers that utilize the online Lobbying Application must terminate Individual Lobbyists online.
Revised 11/2/2022
Sample Letter - Client Termination
Use this letter as a sample letter for Client Terminations related to 2019 and later year filings.
Revised 11/2/2022
Overview: Statements of Registration
The Lobbying Act requires the filing of a biennial Lobbyist Statement of Registration (“Registration”). A Registration is a forward-looking document that captures the actual and anticipated Lobbying Activities, including the Focuses and Parties that you expect to lobby, during the biennial (two-year) period. Registrations must be filed by a Lobbyist who is retained, employed, or designated to lobby, and exceeds or reasonably anticipates exceeding the $5,000 threshold for combined Reportable Lobbying Compensation and Expenses at the State and/or Municipal Level in a calendar year. Lobbyists who have exceeded or anticipate exceeding the threshold must file a Registration for every Client on whose behalf the Lobbyist lobbies, regardless of the Compensation or Expenses paid by each Client individually.
What follows is the information to help you get ready to file a Registration.
How do I obtain forms to register and report?
Electronic Filing: The Commission encourages all Filers to register and report online using the Lobbying Application ("LA") to register and submit filings. Electronic filing has several advantages not available to paper filers, as described below.
Advantages to filing online:
- 24-hour access.
- Information will prepopulate to certain sections of your filings for you.
- Registration and Client Semi-Annual filing fees can be securely paid by credit card.
- Filing deadlines are extended until midnight, saving a rushed trip to the JCOPE office.
- Start and finish your Filings at your convenience with the “save” function.
- Eliminate time-consuming entry of bill numbers by copying/pasting into your Filing.
- Automatically review Filings for missing information before you submit.
- Access to all your Filings and their processing statuses.
Paper/PDF Filing: Filers seeking a paper/PDF form should contact the Lobbying Help Desk at (518) 474-3973 or [email protected] for assistance.
Forms required to be filed and who is responsible for filing them:
Name of Form | Filed By | Filing Fee |
Lobbyist Statement of Registration | Lobbyists | If the $5,000 threshold is expected to be exceeded for a Client - $200 Registration fee per Client or $100 prorated for the registering in the second half of a biennial period. If $5,000 threshold is not expected to be exceeded for the Client, no fee is required. |
Reportable Business Relationship Form | Lobbyists and Public Corporations | No fee required. The Lobbyist Reportable Business Relationship Form is considered a part of the Lobbyist's Statement of Registration. |
Public Corporation Statement of Registration | Public Corporations | No fee required. |
Filing Due Dates
2023-2024 Lobbying Filing Due Dates
2023-2024 Filing due dates for Lobbyists, Clients, and Public Corporations
Revised 11/10/22
2021-2022 Lobbying Filing Due Dates
2021-2022 Filing due dates for Lobbyists, Clients, and Public Corporations.
Revised 6/28/2022
Registration Filing Instructions
Guidance documents on how to file the Statement of Registration.
Lobbyist and Public Corporation Registration Instructions
Instructions to file the Lobbyist/Public Corporation Statement of Registration.
Revised 10/10/2023
Coalition Filing Requirements
Beginning with the 2021 Biennial Registration Period, the Commission’s regulations have been amended to simplify and clarify how Lobbying Activity by Coalitions should be disclosed. The following guidance will assist a Coalition in determining whether it is required to file Lobbying Reports as a Coalition, or if, instead, its Members are required to disclose their Coalition Contributions in their own Lobbying Reports. Applicable for filing years 2023 through 2021.
Revised 11/1/2022
How to Properly Disclose Lobbying Activities Information
Please reference this document PRIOR to disclosing Lobbying Activities in the Lobbyist Statement of Registration, Lobbyist/Public Corporation Bi-Monthly Report, Disbursement of Public Monies Bi-Monthly Report, and the Client Semi-Annual Report. Applicable for the 2019-2020 and 2021-2022 Biennial.
Revised 11/28/2022
Lobbying Subjects for Registration, Bi-Monthly, and Client Semi-Annual Reports
This list provides options for Filers to report the subjects/issues they intend to be or are lobbying on at any given time. The list will be updated as new issues and topics arise.
Revised 7/8/2022
Lobbying Application Instructions
Instructions for navigating the online Lobbying Application.
How to Verify Your Email and Recertify Your Profile
For existing Filers. Required for the start of the 2021-2022 Biennial.
Revised 6/30/2022
Lobbying Agreement Forms and Sample Letters
Lobbying Agreement Form - Employed Lobbyists
This form may be submitted with a Statement of Registration in lieu of a copy of a lobbying agreement or contract.
Revised 11/10/2023
Lobbying Agreement Form - Retained Lobbyists
This form may be submitted with a Statement of Registration in lieu of a copy of a lobbying agreement or contract.
Revised 11/15/2023
Unexecuted Lobbying Agreement Form and Instructions
This form may be used by a Retained Lobbyist who is prepared to register with the Commission, but has not received the signed (executed) Lobbying Agreement back from your Client.
Instructions revised 6/4/2024
Sample Written Authorization Letter - Retained Lobbyists
Use this sample written authorization letter for filing years 2024 through 2019.
Revised 10/20/2022
Sample Written Authorization Letter - Employed Lobbyists
Use this sample written authorization letter for Employed Lobbyists for filing years 2024 through 2019.
Revised 10/20/2022
Sample Agreement Authorization Change - Force and Effect
This sample letter advises the Commission of a change in the terms of an agreement/authorization for filing years 2024 through 2019.
Revised 10/20/22
Designation Sample Letter
This sample letter allows a chief administrative officer of an organization to designate another individual to make and sign statement(s) and/or report(s). A "Designation Letter" is not necessary for filers utilizing the online filing system.
Please Note - The chief administrative officer may designate another to sign and file the reports, but this designation does not relieve the chief administrative officer of liability due to a failure to file, late filing or false filing of any report(s).
Revised 10/31/2022
Sample Letter: Explanation Lapse for 2019-2020 Filings
This sample letter can be used if (1) the Lobbying Agreement was not executed by a Client within 15 days of the date on which the Lobbyist agreed to – or was authorized to – begin Lobbying Activity (the start date); or (2) there is a ‘gap in time’ from the expiration (end date) of a Lobbying Agreement already on file with the Commission, and the start date of a ‘new’ extended agreement.
Only valid for Filings for the 2019-2020 Biennial Period.
Reportable Business Relationship Information
Reportable Business Relationship Information
Information and instructions on what to report on a Reportable Business Relationship form.
Revised 11/28/2022
Reportable Business Relationship Questionnaire
This is for use by a Lobbyist or Client Organization to send to its equity partners, officers, directors or High-Level Individuals, as applicable, to determine whether such persons have Reportable Business Relationships that must be disclosed by the Lobbyist or Client Organization.
Revised 11/4/2022
PDF Forms for 'Paper Filers'
Filers seeking a paper/PDF form should contact the Lobbying Help Desk at (518) 474-3973 or [email protected] for assistance.
Contact Lobbying Filings Specialist
For technical assistance, or help with Registrations, Lobbyist Bi-Monthly reports, Client Semi-Annual reports, and other lobbying-related disclosure forms, the Lobbying line is available from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, by contacting the main Commission phone number.
Contact us by phone:
Contact us by email:
Mailing Address:
New York State
Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government
540 Broadway
Albany, New York 12207