Mandatory Yearly Ethics Training
Ethics Training is for Everyone...
All New York State employees are required to attend ethics training every year. The Training Team at the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government (‘COELIG’) offers live, remote trainings via WebEx every month.
The CETC is the only course that satisfies the live ethics training requirement mandated in Executive Law § 94. The CETC is a live, instructor-led training that covers the Public Officers Law and other related ethics laws and regulations.
Ethics Handbook for State Employees
Plain Language Publications
Responsibilities of the Agency Ethics Officer
The Public Officers Law and Commission's ethics regulations create legal obligations for both agencies and their officers and employees. For this reason, each agency should designate an Ethics Officer to provide guidance to these individuals on compliance with the ethics laws. This publication provides an overview of the role that Ethics Officers serve in that capacity.
Revised August 2022
Ethics Handbook: Plain Language Guide to the State's Ethics Laws
A comprehensive overview of the Public Officers Law and other related ethics laws, presented in a plain language format. An excellent resource for seasoned state employees and new hires entering State service for the first time.
Revised 11/10/2023
Guide to Leaving State Service
Quick reference guide to the restrictions and prohibitions that apply to State Officers and Employees that leave State service. General information on the 'Two Year Bar' and 'Lifetime Bar' are provided. For more detailed information, refer to the comprehensive 'Post-Employment Restrictions' plain language guide.
Revised 8/15/2022
Quick Reference Guide to the State's Ethics Laws
A resource for those newly employed into State service. Provides an overview of the State's ethics laws including conflicts of interest, acceptance of gifts and outside employment. Recommended for distribution for all new public sector hires.
Effective through July 7, 2022
The Post-Employment Restrictions
Plain language guide to the restrictions that State officers and employees face once they leave State service including the two-year bar, and lifetime bars.
Revised 8/16/2022
State Ethics and Lobbying Laws & Regulations Handbook
State Ethics and Lobbying Laws & Regulations Handbook
This handbook contains in its entirety the State's ethics laws and regulations that apply to State officers and employees. It includes sections 73, 73-a, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78 of the Public Officers Law, which apply to those employees who must complete the Public Officers Law Section 78 Public Officer Oath/Affirmation provided by the New York Department of State.
In addition, the handbook includes in its entirety the State's lobbying laws and regulations that apply to lobbyists, clients and others. This includes Legislative Law Article 1-A, also known as the Lobbying Act.
Also, included in the handbook are Legislative Law Article 5 section 80 (regarding the Legislative Ethics Commission),Civil Service Law Section 108 (which prohibits against certain political activities), and Legislative Law Article 5-b (which places outside income restrictions on members of the Legislature).
Finally, the handbook features Executive Law Section 94, which created the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government.
For best results when printing, select double-sided and 'Fit' in the 'Page Sizing & Handling' menu item. Please note, the document is 351 pages. Links to each section of the document are included in the Table of Contents.
Revised 9/10/24
Ethics Reminders and Guidance
Ethics at a Glance - Atty of Day
Looking to Contact COELIG's Attorney of the Day? Find out how with this Ethics at a Glance document!
Ethics at a Glance - Gifts
Are state employees allowed to accept gifts? Read the latest Ethics in a Glance on gifts to find out.
Ethics at a Glance - Nepotism
Can a state employee participate in employment decisions regarding their relative? Learn about the nepotism restrictions here!
Ethics at a Glance - Gift Exchange
Can state employees exchange holiday gifts in the office? View this edition of Ethics at a Glance to review the gift exchange restrictions!
Ethics at a Glance - Poll Worker
Are state employees allowed to be poll workers? Here is what you need to know if you wish to serve as a poll worker during election season.
Ethics at a Glance - Post Employment
Don't put your former colleagues at risk! View this edition of Ethics at a Glance to review the post-employment restrictions.
Ethics at a Glance - State Contracting
Does your outside business want to sell it's goods or services to a state agency? Here's what a state employee can and can't do when contracting with the state.
Ethics at a Glance - SUNY & CUNY
SUNY and CUNY employees can view this edition of Ethics at a Glance to understand the specific gift rules that apply to free textbooks from publishers.
Ethics at a Glance - Work From Home
Are you a state employee who works from home? The ethics rule still apply whether at home or in the office!
Contact The COELIG Training Team
Contact the COELIG Education Team for information regarding the mandatory ethics training requirements for State employees, and Lobbyists and Clients.
Contact us by phone:
Contact us by email:
Mailing Address:
New York State
Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government
540 Broadway
Albany, New York 12207