Ethics Training
Changing the Culture of Ethics

Ethics Training is for Everyone...

Executive Law § 94 and Legislative Law Article 1-A ("Lobbying Act")  require mandatory ethics trainings for State officers and employees as well as registered Lobbyists.  Ethics laws can be difficult to navigate and the COELIG Training Team is committed to providing online and live instructor-led trainings that are created using plain language terms and concepts that:

  • are easy to understand;
  • provide real world examples;
  • emphasize the importance of fostering ethical decision-making;
Required Ethics Training for the State Workforce
2025 CETC Schedule for State Employees
All New York State employees are required to attend ethics training every year. The Training Team at the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government (‘COELIG’) offers live, remote trainings via WebEx every month. Morning and afternoon training sessions available!
Agency Specific Trainings
CETC Training Opportunities for entire Agencies
Agency Ethics Officers and Trainers have the opportunity to request an agency-specific training. We provide the training expertise, you provide us with the administrative support. To schedule an agency-specific training, please review our available dates.
Mandated Online Training for Lobbyists and Clients
Ethical Standards for Lobbyists and Clients
As part of the Ethics Commission Reform Act of 2022, the mandated ethics training requirement for Lobbyists (Principal, Individual, and In-House Lobbyists) has been expanded to include Contractual Clients and Beneficial Clients. The Commission has developed a new online ‘Ethical Standards for Lobbyists and Clients’ training course that is available on the COELIG website. Filers can easily access the online training by clicking on the hyperlink below. Information on how to certify your completion status is available by clicking on 'Additional Information'.
Training Resources for Ethics Officers
Ethics officers or their designees have the ability and the convenience to train their own employees. The Ethics Education Team has provided everything you need to get started and begin scheduling your own training sessions at your respective agency.