Regulations are designed to provide further guidance about how the ethics and lobbying laws are applied. Some regulations are issued in response to requirements in legislation with regard to specific areas of the law.
TITLE 19 NYCRR PART 930 - Honoraria
Regulation to establish the procedures and conditions for approval and acceptance of Honoraria by specified New York State officials and employees.
TITLE 19 NYCRR PART 931 - Official Activity Expense Payments
This regulation establishes the procedures and conditions for approval and acceptance of payments related to the attendance, registration, travel, lodging, and food for specified New York State officials and employees when such persons are engaged in activities, or are providing services, that are part of their official duties.
TITLE 19 NYCRR PART 932 - Outside Activities
Regulation on the approval process for State officers and employees designated as policy makers to pursue outside employment or memberships in boards and other related activities other than their full time State employment.
19 NYCRR Part 933 - Gift Regulations for Public Officers
Gift Regulations for Public Officers subject to Public Officers Law § 73.
TITLE 19 NYCRR PART 934 - Gifts (Pursuant to Legislative Law Article 1-A)
Regulation to supersede prior Advisory Opinions issued by predecessor agencies to the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government to the extent they are inconsistent with this Part.
19 NYCRR PART 935 - Procedure for requesting an exemption from filing an FDS
Procedure for requesting an exemption from filing a Financial Disclosure Statement ("FDS"). FDS filers designated as policy-makers are unable to request an exemption from filing. (Effective 6/6/18.)
19 NYCRR Part 936 - Procedure for requesting an extension of time to file an FDS
Procedure for requesting an extension of time for filing a Financial Disclosure Statement. (Effective 6/6/18.)
TITLE 19 NYCRR PART 937 - Access To Publicly Available Records
Procedure for obtaining records, information and documents that are made publicly available by the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government through the Freedom of Information Law. (Revised 08/09/2023)
TITLE 19 NYCRR PART 938 - Source Of Funding
Regulation on source of funding reporting requirements, the procedure by which individuals and organizations may apply to the Commission for an exemption from disclosure, and the procedure by which they may appeal the Commission’s denial from exemption through a review by an independent judicial hearing officer. (Effective March 15, 2023)
TITLE 19 NYCRR PART 941 - Adjudicatory Proceedings and Appeals Procedures
Regulation setting forth rules for adjudicatory proceedings and appeals relating to: potential violations of the law that fall within the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government’s jurisdiction. (Effective 7/19/2023)
19 NYCRR Part 942 - Procedure for Requesting an Exemption from Publicly Disclosing Client Information Pursuant to Questions 8(b-1), 8(b-2) or 8(c) on a Financial Disclosure Statement
Procedures for the Commission to receive and determine requests for exemption from the duty to publicly disclose client information in response to certain questions on the Financial Disclosure Statement. (Effective 4/12/17)
TITLE 19 NYCRR PART 943 - Comprehensive Lobbying Regulations
Provides those regulated by the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government and the public a consolidated resource for understanding and complying with the requirements of Article 1-A of the Legislative Law (the“Lobbying Act”), as authorized by section 94 of the Executive Law and the Lobbying Act. (Effective 01/01/2025)
Amendments to Part 943- Responsible Party Obligations
This rulemaking amends 19 NYCRR Part 943 to clarify who is responsible for the submission, completeness, and truthfulness of lobbying filings when the Lobbyist or Client is a person or organization.
This rulemaking was adopted by the Commission on June 26, 2024 and will be effective 12/1/2024.
Amendments to Part 943- Ethics Training for Lobbyists and Clients
This rulemaking amends 19 NYCRR Part 943 to require the responsible party to enter training compliance information to the Commission on behalf of themselves, their organization and/or their organization’s individual lobbyists. Additionally, this rulemaking contains clarifying amendments, including how a member of a Coalition may be disclosed as a source of funding.
This rulemaking was adopted by the Commission on June 26, 2024 and will be effective 1/1/2025.
Amendments to Part 943- Late Fees for Lobbying Filings
This rulemaking amends 19 NYCRR Part 943 to codify the Commission’s late fee program and establish criteria and requirements for requesting a waiver for a late filing fee.
This rulemaking was adopted by the Commission on June 26, 2024 and will be effective 1/1/2025.